UK-wide Geoconservation Annual Gathering, Edinburgh Friday 28 October 2016

Local geosites for people & conservation

Across the UK there are thousands of Local Geodiversity Sites (LGS), important places that conserve and celebrate local geodiversity. These are places that are often valued and well-used by people, where we can find out about the geological history of our area, and how this influences nature, land use, building style and the ‘sense of place’ that all local communities have.

Local sites across the UK are labelled in different ways and progress towards networks of designated sites is patchy across the country. Some areas have hundreds of sites that are designated, monitored and celebrated by active geoconservation groups, but in other places awareness of the importance of local sites is non-existent.

The UK’s Geoconservation Annual Gathering comes to Edinburgh this October, with a focus on local, practical geoconservation. This is a great opportunity to

  • find out more about the value of local sites;

  • explore case studies including Geodiversity Audits and how Local Authorities in Scotland are designating Local Geodiversity Sites;

  • network with the people and organisations, including local voluntary groups, who are involved in identifying, monitoring and celebrating the value of local sites.

The meeting is organised by the Geological Society of London’s Geoconservation Committee and the Scottish Geodiversity Forum. We hope it will encourage more activity in Scotland and wider involvement of the geological community.

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